The Benefits of Green Tea

shutterstock_185075840People are always trying to find the tastiest and best ways to quench their thirst. Whether it is a glass of water or an energy-inducing sports drink, finding a beverage that is both satisfying to their taste buds and nourishing to their bodies can be difficult. What people may not realize is that tea, specifically green tea, has amazing benefits for your body, and is also delicious! Being excellent for your oral and bodily health, green tea is an excellent option for those who wish for something flavorful and wholesome.

For those who are heart conscious, green tea is amazing for your heart! Green tea contains catechin, which is an antioxidant that fights and prevents cell damage. This equals a strong, healthy heart. Studies have also proven that consuming green tea increases the amount of activity in the brain that controls working memory. Another instance where green tea is good for your brain, it has been shown that green tea blocks the development of the type of plaque that is linked to Alzheimer’s disease.

Green tea has also been shown to stabilize blood sugar levels, which is great for those who have diabetes. Having an amino acid called theanine, a calming effect can take place while drinking green tea. This is especially helpful for those who are under high levels of stress. Though losing weight is never an easy experience, green tea boosts your metabolism, making you burn more fat calories. A high valuable beverage, green tea has the potential to help your smile, heart, and brain!