Popular Misconceptions about Dental Decay

Myths often start with a grain of truth, and that’s the case for the dental misconceptions40ish-dude-shrug most people have absorbed over the years. No matter how educated a person perceives they are concerning dental health, it’s possible a few false impressions have taken root. Such as…

  • Cavities are a fact of life.
    It’s common knowledge that there are very real, clinically-evidenced explanations for dental health issues, so why is it that many times you cross your fingers and hope luck is on your side when it’s time to take the kids to the dentist? Recent advancements in research have focused a lot of attention on early intervention methods. So with proper education, fluoride, increased access to dental care, and ongoing research, children in this day and age may not need to worry about cavity development. No four-leaf clovers necessary. Continue reading Popular Misconceptions about Dental Decay