Understanding Bruxism & TMJ Disorder: Find Relief from Nighttime Teeth Grinding

178901519Do you often awaken in the morning to find that your jaw is sore or that your neck and shoulders feel tense? Perhaps you suffer from frequent headaches that tend to begin in the area surrounding your temples. These symptoms are common in individuals with nighttime teeth grinding and daily jaw clenching, or bruxism and temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD). Fortunately, treatment for these orofacial issues is typically non-invasive, affordable, and easily accessible at your dentist’s office.

What Causes Jaw Clenching and Teeth Grinding?

There are a variety of reasons that people with TMD and bruxism engage in the unconscious behavior of teeth grinding and clenching. Malocclusion, or an improper bite, is a major factor, as is daily stress. While you are sleeping, you are not able to stop the overworked muscles in the jaw and face from overtaking themselves further, leading to numerous symptoms that can affect you all day.

For many, the primary complaint related to TMJ disorder is headache pain that interferes with daily functioning. The delicate joints that connect your lower jaw to your cranium can become irritated and inflamed, causing nerve pain that can even spread to your upper back. This can lead to posture problems that further exacerbate the issue. In cases of teeth grinding, the patient is typically unaware that their jaws are placing inordinate amounts of pressure on their teeth all night. Bruxism can cause tooth fractures and enamel erosion, both of which can prove to be serious problems if not treated in a timely manner.

Bruxism & TMJ Treatment

In the majority of cases, a nighttime mouthguard is used to prevent damage to the teeth caused by clenching and grinding. This custom oral appliance fits comfortably in your mouth as you sleep, helping position the jaws properly so that the muscles aren’t unnecessarily strained. Patients who have been clenching their jaws for years are surprised to find that they experience relief from their discomfort in as few as one or two nights with their new appliance.

If you believe that you or someone in your family is suffering with the ill effects of TMJ disorder or bruxism, ask your dentist about a custom oral appliance. Relief could be a phone call away!

Are you Suffering from TMJ Disorder?

shutterstock_156686003When it comes to dental problems, you’re probably used to hearing all about the common ones that can negatively affect your teeth, such as cavities, gum disease, and even oral cancer. But did you know that one of the most painful oral conditions is actually caused by a part of the body that you may have never heard of before? We’re talking about the temporomandibular joints, also known as TMJs. These joints may be tiny, but they serve a crucial function, as they’re responsible for connecting your lower jaw to your skull. However, this means that when they’re even slightly misaligned, it can cause truly debilitating symptoms, negatively affecting both your dental health and your overall wellbeing. That’s why consulting with a local dentist is important if you suspect you may be suffering from this ailment.

Common signs of TMJ disorder include:

  • Persistent pain in the face, neck, head, shoulders, or back
  • Constant headaches
  • Jaw joints that pop or click
  • A jaw that feels unusually stiff
  • Constant earaches
  • Difficulty opening and closing your mouth when chewing

There are several therapy options for patients who are suffering from TMJ disorder, and no two cases are the same. Many patients whose symptoms are primarily caused by teeth grinding (bruxism) can often find relief by wearing a customized oral appliance during sleep. Other patients may require physical therapy or drug therapy to help alleviate the pain. When it comes to cases that are truly severe, surgery may be necessary. A dentist trained in TMJ treatment can offer the specialized help you need and recommend treatment options that fit your unique needs and concerns. With a professional touch, you can escape pain and get back to smiling bigger and brighter than ever before.